DEI&A Competency Model, Assessment, and Development

Leadership Development

We Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Measure (ADDIM) solutions that create externally competitive and internally equitable outcomes in all HR foundational areas. We anchor our Leadership Development content on contemporary competencies—Curiosity, Cultural Intelligence, Cognizance, Courage, Commitment, Collaboration (Bourke & Dillon, 2017). This includes leadership competencies related to areas of total rewards, performance management, employee engagement, and talent acquisition, to name a few.

DEI&A policies are not a “nice to have,” but represent best practices to ensure the long-term sustainability of your organization. We can quantify, with supporting data, the benefits of pursuing DEI&A as an organizational imperative, the outcomes of no accountability to DEI&A, and efforts to bridge the gaps. We focus on specific competencies for leaders related to DEI&A organizational solutions, anchored on our evidenced-based people analytics methodology for DEI&A initiatives. We help organizations produce quantified reports for all HR solutions correlated to organizational KPIs.

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